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    4 Career-Boosting Apps

    Land an interview, grow your network, or find your next great gig with these mobile downloads.

    Smartphones are so much fun that sometimes it can feel like they were made for all play and no work (Candy Crush, anyone?). But your phone has the potential to be a powerful career-boosting piece of technology. Several apps allow you to advance your career—during your commute, while waiting in line, or before a meeting—with just a few swipes, says Nicole Williams, career expert and author of Girl on Top. Here are some downloads to get you one step closer to your dream job.


    App: LinkedIn Connected

    Cost: Free

    Think of it as Facebook for professionals. This social-networking app makes it easier to stay in touch with alumni, colleagues, and clients—and it also helps you keep tabs on potential employers. Because it’s on your phone, not just your computer, “It helps you find those pockets of time to network,” says Williams. Use it to create a profile, add a skill, join a group, and publish posts to promote yourself. If you want to apply to jobs, use the LinkedIn Job Search app.


    App: Interview Prep Questions

    Cost: Free

    You’ll feel more confident going into an interview if you prepare ahead of time. This app takes you through a mock interview with a simple flash-card format. Flip through the virtual deck to practice for the most common interview questions. And if you get stuck, it offers suggestions to help you answer the uncomfortable questions that often trip us up (like this perennially dreaded one: “Why should I hire you?”).


    Cost: Free

    Does your résumé look a little too generic? Then show off your skill set (and personality) with’s creative and eye-catching approach. This website pulls data directly from your LinkedIn account to help you create a customizable, one-page infographic résumé that will definitely get you noticed.


    App: Glassdoor

    Cost: Free

    Want to get the inside scoop on a prospective employer or gain a better understanding of the corporate culture? Tap into Glassdoor’s socially generated career community. You gain access to a huge database of job listings, company reviews, salary reports, along with info from other job seekers. Of particular use are the likely interview questions you’ll encounter, revealed by companies’ current employees. Talk about going in well-prepared—you’ll be an HR rep’s dream.

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