They’re not just a weekend indulgence anymore. Welcome back these hearty (and healthier) breakfast favorites to your weekday mornings.
While the traditional white-flour version can leave you feeling hungry and sluggish before lunch, tasty whole grain pancakes contain fiber, which can help fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer. Skip the syrup and sweeten your pancakes by topping them with fresh fruit. (If you like the idea of pouring something warm over your short stack, try pureeing fresh or frozen fruit and heating it in the microwave for a few seconds.) The added bonus: You’ll up your breakfast’s fiber content even more.
Eggs got a bad reputation a few years back thanks to confusion over cholesterol. It’s true that eggs do contain cholesterol, but research has shown that for most people the cholesterol they eat has a much smaller effect on the amount in their blood than the overall mix of fats in their diets. And some nutrients in eggs—like folate, riboflavin, and vitamins B12 and D—may actually lower risk of heart disease. Just keep things healthy by pairing your egg with smart accompaniments, like fruit and whole grain toast.
Traditional deli bagels aren’t exactly diet-friendly: They easily pack around 300 calories—the equivalent of eating three or four slices of bread. [5, 7, 8] The solution for bagel lovers? “Thin” bagels. They taste just like regular bagels, but because they’re half as thick, they contain about one third the calories of a traditional bagel. Toast up a whole wheat thin bagel and top it with some light cream cheese (or that egg we just discussed) for a dose of protein.
Buttered Toast
Instead of slathering your whole grain toast or thin bagel with butter, use your favorite nut butter (like peanut, almond, or walnut) instead. It will add that creaminess you crave—along with a boost of protein and fiber to keep you feeling full, as well as heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Nuts are also rich in nutrients, like vitamin E, folic acid, and potassium. Keep in mind that nuts (and nut butters) are calorie-dense though, so limit your serving to a tablespoon when you’re topping that toast.