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Mindful Sodexo



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5 Ways Faisal’s Ab Blaster Workout Boosts Your Health

Mindful’s fitness ambassador, Faisal Abdalla, says spending even a few minutes a week giving your midsection some TLC delivers a big payback for your health and well-being. Take a look.

1. Better Posture

Shore up the muscles along your spine, and you’ll be standing and sitting nice and tall. You’ll also be strengthening your bones and protecting your balance.

2. Improved Heart Health

When you take steps to whittle away the deepest layer of abdominal fat, you lower your risk for heart disease and other serious health woes.

3. An Easier Time With Daily Tasks

A strong, stable core makes everyday activities, like bending down to tie your shoes, racing to catch the bus, even sitting at your desk, a breeze.

4. Faster Weight Loss

Strong muscles help maximize your body’s ability to burn calories even when you’re watching funny cat videos.

5. Faster Weight Loss

The prescription for a sore back? Spend more time on core exercises. Strong abs stabilize your spine and help maintain your full range of motion.

At a Glance: Faisal’s Lower Body Blaster HIIT Workout

Complete this 10-minute circuit three days a week. Perform each exercise continuously for 20 to 40 seconds. Then rest for 20 to 40 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

  • Walkouts
  • High plank reaches
  • Side plank rotations
  • Crab toe touches
  • V-sit crunches
  • Russian twists
  • Straight leg bicycles
  • Plank jumping jacks
  • Mountain climbersAt a Glance: Faisal’s Ab Blaster HIIT Workout

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De 5 km challenge

Met dit trainingsschema train je als beginnende loper om 5 km hard te lopen. Liever niet hardlopen? Wandelen kan ook. Luister naar je lichaam. Voelt het niet goed om je hele training te rennen? Wandel dan als je het nodig hebt. Doe je best en probeer meer te rennen naarmate je fitter wordt.

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