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Your core includes not only your abdominals, but also all of the muscles on the back and sides of your torso, even down into your glutes. You might think your waistline matters only when it’s time to zip up your favourite pair of jeans, but your midsection is about much more than just looks—it’s the building block for everything you do. Want nice posture? Love running, walking, working out or playing with your kids? You can do all those things better with a stronger core.
Our four-week challenge, designed by Meg Furstoss, M.S., C.S.C.S., founder of Precision Sports Performance, doesn’t require you to step on a scale or pick up a measuring tape. You’ll know the inside-out transformation is happening because you’ll feel—and look—slimmer and stronger.
Why It Works: Planks are the grandaddy of core moves. They fire up not just the abs, but all the muscles encircling the spine.
How To Do It: Get in push-up position with feet shoulder-width apart and palms under shoulders. (Beginners can start on knees.) Squeeze glutes and abs, push through palms and look at the floor. Aim to hold for 30 seconds. Rest and repeat 3 times, four days this week.
Why It Works: Stuck in traffic or tied to your desk for the next few hours? Work your abs by pulling your belly in and up. Hold for a few seconds and then release, repeating as many times as you want.
Exercising to music might help you lose belly fat faster. In one study, people who did their crunches to tunes lost up to eight pounds more than those who worked out in silence.
Salmon isn’t just good for your brain; it’s great for a flatter belly. The credit goes to the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids that help your body burn fat rather than store it.
Why It Works: Walking is one of the best ways to burn fat and calories and feel better from head to toe. Don’t worry if you can’t find a solid 30 minutes to pound the pavement; you can break this up into chunks of time that fit your schedule.
Why It Works: Get ready to zero in on your love handles (aka oblique muscles).
How To Do It: Sit on floor with back tall, knees bent and feet slightly off the floor. Bend arms 90 degrees, keeping elbows tucked in. Turn shoulders to right and touch both hands to floor. Return to centre and repeat on the left side. That’s one rep; do three sets of 20 reps, four days this week.
Why It Works: The simple act of standing on one leg helps strengthen your core and all the muscles in your lower body. Try holding the pose for 30 seconds on each side the next time you’re washing dishes or waiting in line.
Having too much fat in the belly area (as opposed to your arms or legs) is more harmful to your heart health. The sweet spot for women is a waist circumference of 35 inches or less; 40 inches or less for men.
Avocados are a tasty source of belly-friendly monounsaturated fats—they can help you burn body fat faster and keep fat from settling at your waistline.
Why It Works: Be sure to keep your pace quick and pump your arms to engage your abs even more. As for the planks, fit them in four times this week, after a walk or along with your seated twists.
Why It Works: Give the muscles deep in your core some love.
How To Do It: Start on the floor with your hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Squeeze abs and glutes and balance on left knee and right hand. (No sagging hips or arched back.) In one motion, reach left arm forward and extend right leg back. Release and repeat on other side. That’s one rep; do three sets of 10 reps, four days this week.
Why It Works: Turn sitting into active core work by moving to the front of your seat. Be careful to tuck your hips under slightly (no arched back) and sit tall.
Zeroing in on your core strength has a bonus of helping you get a better night’s rest. Research shows people who strength train are more likely to sleep the recommended seven to eight hours per night.
Eating more whole grains can help trim fat from your waistline. Foods like brown rice and barley keep you full and less likely to overeat.
Why It Works: This week, take note of your stride. Shorter, quicker steps can help you blast more fat. That’s because longer strides actually slow you down. Do the core moves four times, after a walk or on their own.
Why It Works: This move targets all the muscles along the back of your body and is great at fixing poor posture.
How To Do It: Lie face down with arms extended. Lift torso and legs off the floor so stomach is touching floor. Slowly return to the start position; do three sets of 10 repetitions, four days this week.
Why It Works: The simple act of sitting up straight or standing tall calls your core to action. When you’re sitting you don’t want your chin or neck to be sticking out, and when you’re standing you want your tailbone slightly tucked under.
You’ve just completed a tough-buttotally- worth-it four weeks of ab workouts. Take a moment to be proud of yourself—and the awesome results.
Green-tea drinkers may benefit from a greater fat burn compared to coffee drinkers and other caffeinated sips.
Why It Works: With the addition of this last core move, you now have a solid core circuit routine. Even though the Challenge is winding down, you can continue to strengthen your core by sticking to your daily walks and four days of core work.